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Combat occurs at encounter pace, so each round takes 30 seconds.


If one side is surprised Surprised characters are vulnerable and can not act in the first round of combat. Characters with the wary ability may make a Deftness saving throw to avoid being the surprised.


Each side rolls a d6. The side with the higher number acts first in the round.


Combat rounds are divided into three phases.

  1. Morale
  2. Movement
  3. Missile attacks
  4. Spell casting
  5. Melee attacks


Sometimes non-player combatants must make a morale throw to remain in combat. Roll 1d20 and hit or exceed their morale target. To make If they have a leader, add their leadership score as a bonus. On a failure, the combatant flees or surrenders.

Morale checks are made after the following situations, or at referee discretion.

  • First death.
  • Reduced to half numbers. -2 to morale throw.
  • Leader is killed. -2 to morale throw.
  • Last survivor. -4 to morale throw.


Characters can move up to their movement speed. If a character moves, they can not cast a spell or make a missile attack.


Attacks are made by rolling a d20 to hit or exceed the characters Attack Throw + the AC of target. The target must be within 30' for melee attacks, or within the weapon range for missile attacks. Hits are determined by rolling a 1d6 and adding any hit modifiers.

Duel wielding

Add a +1 bonus to attack throws. Can't wield a two-handed weapon or shield. Looks pretty cool.

Vulnerable Opponents

Attack throws against a vulnerable opponent gain a +4 bonus. Opponents are considered vulnerable when:

  • surprised
  • blinded, restrained, sitting, or prone
  • or generally if the attacker has a significant advantage