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Underworld Exploration

This page is in draft form, big TODO.


Gameplay is divided into turns, each lasting roughly ten minutes.

Sequence of Play Per Turn:

  1. Records: Referee updates time records and notes.
  2. Duration: Torches, spells, potions effects, and other durations advance one turn (10 minutes) and may end.
  3. Move or Act: The party may move and take an action.
  4. Description: Referee describes new environments and the results of actions.
  5. Encounter Check: Referee rolls for a Random Encounter Check.


A character can move up to their movement speed, or twice their movement speed instead of taking an action. If the party is moving together, they must adopt the movement speed of the slowest member.


Interacting with the world, either to gain information or change it, is considered an action. More involved actions, such as listening at a door or performing a thorough search, can be done instead of movement.


Every 6 rounds, the party must spend at least one turn resting and recouperating. If a ration is consumed, this restores 1d6 HP.

Random Encounters

There's a 1-in-6 chance of a random encounter at the end of each turn, and whenever the party causes a loud noise or disturbance. The encounter occurs at 1d3 * 10' if the party is surprised. Otherwise it's 2d6 * 10'.


Light, sound, or certain spells may negate surprise. Both parties have a 4-in-6 chance to not be surprised by the encounter.