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Character Statistics

Ability Scores

Characters have six basic attributes that measure their natural aptitudes.

  • Strength (Str): Physical power and prowess. Modifies attack throws and hit bonus.
  • Intelligence (Int): Quick thinking and learning aptitude. Modifies known languages, known spells, and checks to learn spells.
  • Wisdom (Wis): Clarity and temperance of mind. Modifies warding saving throws.
  • Constitution (Con): Physical endurance and vigor. Modifies hit protection and bravery saving throws.
  • Dexterity (Dex): Swift reflexes and coordination. Modifies armor class and deftness saving throws.
  • Charisma (Cha): Personal magnetism and comeliness. Modifies reaction rolls and leadership score.
Score 3-5 6-8 9-12 13-15 16-18
Modifier -2 -1 0 +1 +2


Each character has a class which determines their general skills and abilities.

Level (Lvl): A characters level is an abstraction of their experience and skill. Player characters begin at level 1, and can advance up to level 10 through adventuring. Normal men are considered to be level 0 and have no class.

Experience Points (XP): A fine-grained score tracking how close a player is to advancing to a new next level. Experience


Individual actions sum to great forces and works upon the world. Many believe this is an echo of the true nature of reality; that Chaos is a force which erodes Order and all creation.

  • Law: Supports civilization, order, and creation, and defends it from it's enemies, both within and without.
  • Neutral: Does not support law or chaos, though they may benefit from either, instead focusing on their own ends.
  • Chaos: Supports the destruction of civilization, a return to survival of the fittest, and ultimately a return to primordial chaos.

Law should not be directly conflated with personal virtue, nor chaos with evil. However Lawful alignment should be considered a virtue, and perhaps the highest one. The very concept of morality is lawful.

Movement Speed (MV)

How far a character can move at different paces. Record in four increments: 120', 90', 60', and 30'.

Hit Protection (HP)

Stamina and clarity of mind; your ability to defend and protect yourself. A characters HP and Maximum Hp are tracked seperately.

Hit Dice (HD)

Used to determine a characters maximum HP upon attaining new levels. Always use a d6 for player characters.

Saving Throws

When a characters body or wellbeing is threatened, they are allowed a saving throw to avoid or mitigate danger. The target numbers for each of three categories of saving throw:

  • Bravery: Valor and tenacity in the face of peril.
  • Deftness: Reflex and awareness to preempt or dodge physical danger.
  • Warding: Discipline and willpower to resist magic and temptation.

Attack Throw (AT)

Mastery of weapons and combat. A characters target number for attacking a target.

Hit Bonus (HB)

Extra hits made on a succesful attack.

Armor Class (AC)

Tougher armor protects against weak attacks. Added as a penalty to an opponents attack throw.

Leadership (LD)

Ability to inspire loyalty and courage. This modifier is added to loyalty and morale checks for retainers.

Adventuring Skills

These skills cover common activities in the course of adventure and exploration. All adventuring characters, regardless of class, are assumed to have basic proficency in these catagories. Scores range from 1 to 5.

  • Climb: Navigate steep or slick surfaces.
  • Finesse: Pick locks, disarm traps, and pick pockets.
  • Force: Open stuck doors, move boulders, and lift gates.

  • Language: Understand an unfamiliar language, writing system, code, or cypher.
  • Listen: Hear faint noises through doors or from far away.
  • Ride: Outmaneuver or outrun an opponent in equestrian matters.

  • Sneak: Move silently and hide in shadows.
  • Search: Detect secret doors, traps, and hidden things.
  • Survival Forage, hunt, and navigate in the wilderness.