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Name Description
Decipher A page of text or a chart shimmers and becomes comprehendible to the caster for 2d6 turns.
Hold Portal Target a door or gate. It is forcibly held open or closed for 2d6 turns.
Levitate Target a creature or object, and lift it up to 60' per turn, to a maximum of 10' per [caster level], for 6 + [caster level] turns.
Light Target a creature or object. Create a 1" ball of light which illuminates a 30' radius sphere and follows the target for 6 + [caster level] turns.
Invibility An object, or a creature and carried objects, weighing up to 10 stone per [caster level] is turned invisible. While invisible, the world appears gray and smokey. Dropped items become visible, and picked up items become invisible. The effect is indefinate, but must be dispelled to attack a creature or cast a spell.
Sleep Target 1d6 + [caster level] creatures, who must make a warding saving throw or fall sound asleep for 2d6 turns.